
Build Instructions

There are currently several articles with over one and a half hours of video on how to build the RACECAR/J hardware. The articles also cover setting up the Robot Operating System (ROS) based software stack. The index of build instruction articles is available at: Build Instructions

Over time, we will be adding additional articles on how to both add hardware and software to explore different modes of vehicle autonomy.


Currently we are only shipping to the United States. 


RACECAR/J runs the MIT RACECAR software stack. The software is available on the RACECAR/J Github account. There we provide code and instruction on how to install and build the software and firmware necessary to operate the RACECAR.

Hardware Configurations

There are two Platform Deck configurations, "BigMouth" and "FlatNose". If you plan on building a RACECAR/J in the MIT RACECAR configurations, select the "BigMouth" version. There is a cutout in the deck for a Hokuyo UST-10LX laser range scanner, and mounting points for a Stereolabs ZED camera. 

If you are not interested in the Hokuyo, then consider the "FlatNose" platform deck. This provides a wider front deck with pre-drilled attachment points for a RPLIDAR A2 (not included). There are two attachment points for sensors such as cameras using 1/4" 20 screws. 

In either case, you will need to buy the sensors and the NVIDIA Jetson Development Kit,  attach them to the RACECAR/J, and then wire them to an appropriate power source. We will have recommendations for the power source soon, but at a minimum you will need a regulated 12V battery that provides at least 3A to power the Jetson and USB hub. Additional sensors may need more power.